Earth Walk Therapies
Home, Land and Workplace Energy Clearing
Clearing the energies in and around your home or workplace is an important aspect of creating an harmonious environment.
Your home or workplace is like a sponge. Whatever occurs in your environment is absorbed into the walls, furniture, carpet, ceiling, and objects. Frequently, these negative energies accumulate in the corners and tucked away places. Energy debris can be a result of negative emotions, thoughts, occurrences, and stress that you (your family, your co-workers) have experienced in your space.
If you’ve had a negative event happen recently or a lot of sadness or fear, there is a high chance that your space will have absorbed some of that energy.
At times — in particular for older homes and workplaces that have been occupied by other people before you — these energies can build up over time and be connected to events that you may not be aware of.
The land itself can hold energies from past generational events that date back centuries if not further.
The method I use:
Reiki symbols
Shamanic Drum/Journey
Singing bowl/s
Tingsha bells
When should you consider energy clearing for your home or workplace:
When moving into a new space
After you remove clutter
After a roommate or companion moves out
After a strong argument or fight in the house or office, after a divorce or break-up,
if you feel that your business is struggling
After an illness or death
After a robbery or invasion of any sort at your house
Anytime you desire fresh energy for a new project or beginning (in particular if you feel overall
“stuck” in your life or work)
If you or your children don’t sleep well, or have numerous nightmares
When the energy in your home, or workplace just doesn’t feel “right”
$120 an hour + travel
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